Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Historical Stock EOD Downloader (from Yahoo finance)

Hello All,

I know most of the people are intested in having historical data of a specific stock (or all stocks) for analysis. So here comes a handy easy-to-use tool which can be used to download the Historical EOD of all the available stocks in the NSE. The downloaded data (in .csv format) is compatible with Metastock, Amibroker, AdvancedGET etc.

This tiny software also displays the last 5 days graph (line graph) for a selected stock. It is developed using C# language so .NET framework should be installed in the machine. Click here to download .NET framework from Microsoft.

No trail version... no subscribtion charges :) Its just free....

as usual I will provide the source code also for the intested people . Download the software from


****NOTE: Please check the bottom of this page for the latest updates *****

Usage and screenshots are as follows.

This is the first screen what you get when you open the application. You can see that the 5 days graphs will be automatically drawn for the selected stock in the combo box.

Select a particular stock in the combo box to download the historical data. Else select the "Download All NSE scripts" checkbox to download the data for all the scripts listed in NSE

NOTE: Download all data will take around 15-20 mints and the UI will be frozen during that time.

The graph will be updated automatically when the user selects the particular script in the combo box. :)

Now select the from date.

Select the to date. Note that the ToDate always restricted till today's date.

If you want to store the .csv file in a particular folder then click on "Broswe" and select a folder.

And clicking on Download button will download the historical EOD data in .csv format.

this can be feed directly to MetaStock, AmiBroker etc

Happy trading :)

Comments and suggestions are always welcome :)

Warm regards
Manjunath G


Update 1: (included Graph date range)


Update time..... In this update, I provided radio buttons to select the graph period. Now graph is available for following time frame.

  • 1 day,
  • 5 days,
  • 3 months,
  • 6 months,
  • 1 year and
  • 2 years
NOTE: Displaying of graph is depends on your internet speed. In my machine the graph is available with in a second.

Download the latest software from


Screen shot is as follows.

Use the radio buttons to select the time frame

Warm regards
Manjunath G

Update 2: (included all BSE scripts)


Updated the software to incorporate all the BSE scripts along with the NSE scripts.

Now user will get a choice to select the two differenct exchanges ( ie BSE or NSE). When user select NSE, all the scripts listed in NSE exchange will be displayed in the combo box, similarly when user selects BSE, all the scripts listed in BSE exchanges will be displayed in the combo box(only BSE codes).

Download the latest software from


Screen shot is as follows:

NSE and BSE radio buttons are provided to select

Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Warm Regards
Manjunath G

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

LIVE Interday data for Technical analysis

Hello All,

I think many people are intersted in learning technical analysis and this blog will really help a bit.

Wht is technical analysis?

"Technical analysis is the study of market action, primarily through the use of charts, for the purpose of forecasting future price trends." The basic requirement for technical analysis is "Chart". Chart is nothing but the representation of text data in a graphical way. So basically we need data to plot a chart.

Now my next question is where do we get these data?

There are plenty of websites which provides free EOD (End of Day) data to public. But I didnt find any place where we get free interday live data for technical analysis. If you know some place where we can get this for free, please do let me know.

So to overcome this problem (or to save money) I modified my small portfolio application (NSETicker) to extract the data from nseindia.com for every minute (this is configurable) and stores it in a file (.csv format ).

Each selected securities in the portfolio will be written in a seperate file and these files can be directed feed to Amibroker or any other software which supports CSV format for charting purpose

NOTE: This application is developed using C# and have the following restrictions.

1. .NET framework should be installed in the machine (.NET framework is available to download at free of cost from Microsoft website)

2. Now all operations are happening in a single thread. It means the application wll be bit slow and sometimes may not responds, that time just kill the application and restart it. The new values will be appended in to the .csv files. [I am working on creating seperate threads for each securites for faster access]

Please read my other blog http://manjunathg.blogspot.com/2007/06/nse-portfolio-ticker.html for the usage of the tool. The main changes will be expalined here.

Main UI

The values will be refreshed for every one minute ( and it is configurable). you can also refresh manually by clicking the "Refresh" button in the right bottom of the screen.

Following steps explains the usage/settings of saving the data in .CSV format.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

So now onwards the data (ie .csv) file will be generated in the directory specified in the general settings. You can use this .csv file in any application to draw the graph :)

Enjoy :)

.CSV are stored in the specified location.

The content of the CSV is as follows.


2007 Dec 12,696.75,768.4,660.2,753.85,5804603
2007 Dec 12,696.75,768.4,660.2,753.85,5804603
2007 Dec 12,696.75,768.4,660.2,753.85,5804603
2007 Dec 12,696.75,768.4,660.2,753.85,5804603
2007 Dec 12,696.75,768.4,660.2,753.85,5804603
2007 Dec 12,696.75,768.4,660.2,753.85,5804603
2007 Dec 12,696.75,768.4,660.2,753.85,5804603
2007 Dec 12,696.75,768.4,660.2,753.85,5804603

(All data are same because I tested this off market hours ;))

Dowload link:

Please dont hesitate to give me the feedback, request, comments or suggestions. My eyes and ears are always open :)

warm regards
Manjunath G