There was some problem in the NSETicker software. Thanks to those who reported me personally :)
Here comes the investigation report.
NSETicker software does not work anymore.
Reason: changed the UI and pattren of displaying the stock information. Due to this the NSETicker was unable to pick the correct data.
I Modified the code and fixed the problem. Now the software picks the correct data and displays it.
Due to this changes the performance has imporoved a lot :) Now the data loads bit faster :)
Download the latest software from the following link
In case any problems are imporvement please do let me know
warm regards
Manjunath G
Update 1: [29-March-2009 = 00::48 ]
After getting many request and suggestion, I modified the NSEFutureTicker software with the following changes.
1. Added all the scripts (in NSE) to the list ( For this, copy the attached ticker.txt file to c:\ )
2. ExportToExcel - Added a new funcationality to transfer the data from the software to Excel sheet
Following is the screenshot of the new software.
Clicking on "Export To Excel" will open a excel sheet with captured data.
Download the latest software from the following link
warm regards
Manjunath G